Summer Care Tips For Lawn, Fertilizer, And Pruning Fruit Trees

Regular lawn care is time-consuming but can be done by experts like Earth Development amongst others. Matted or moss-covered lawns should be scarified, alternately driving forwards and backward so that the root pieces of lawn weeds are also transported to the surface of the ground and do not continue to grow underground.
Ideally, you don’t just mow somehow, but change the working directly with each pass and, at best, use a mulcher that finely chops the blades of grass so that they can stay in place. This not only eliminates the annoying emptying of the grass catcher but the nutrients are not withdrawn from the lawn but returned every time so that fertilization no longer has to be carried out.
Tips For Lawn Care In Summer
Disadvantage: not every mower has a mulching function, and you have to go through it more often – at the latest as soon as the grass is 10 cm high because otherwise, there is an impenetrable grass thatch. This not only looks ugly but also serves as a shelter for slugs.
Because of the night snails, watering should not occur in the evening but the morning because damp grass and damp beds attract snails at night. Furthermore, lawn clippings should not be stored in one place in large quantities. At the base of trees, this can lead to the trees being suffocated/scorched; In particular, the lenticels in the bark should get good atmospheric oxygen and no heated air (from rotting) that is polluted with “exhaust gases.” Organic acids, formed when the clippings decompose, can also damage tree roots.
Composting Lawn Waste Properly
Pure grass packets also rot badly in the compost heap, which is why wood chaff or straw should be added to allow good air circulation. Apart from that, any sensible gardener will, in any case, encourage earthworm activity in their compost heap by adding onion peels and coffee grounds. Incidentally, lawnmowers or mulchers should not be set shallower than 3.5 or at least 3 cm because cutting too deeply the light-sensitive vegetation cones on the grass base can get too much sun and burn.
The Following Applies To Fertilizer
Lawn fertilizer and flower fertilizer can contain a lot of nitrogen (“N” – the first of the numbers on the fertilizer package), also organic, guano, or horse manure. However, this is bad for woody plants because the shoot length’s growth is otherwise promoted, which delays lignification and threatens early frost damage in November. Conversely, the frost hardiness would be promoted by the administration of potassium.
Pruning Of Fruit Trees
Cut wounds on trees heal best if they occur at the beginning of the growing season, i.e., May to July. It is essential that the wound’s edges are not frayed but relatively smooth, which is why sharp cutting tools are to be used. It may also be necessary to stump it first so that the branch does not tear – because a tree can hardly heal longitudinal wounds! In general, the branch wounds should be kept as small as possible. And please do not seal the cut surfaces, because otherwise only putrefactive fungi will be promoted and, conversely, the internal wound healing of the vessels (= vascularization) will not occur due to the lack of atmospheric oxygen (= so-called oxidative stimulation). You can visit Earth Development to learn more about the tools used.